Remember to Take Care Of Yourself! – Self-Care is IMPORTANT!

Remember to Take Care Of Yourself! – Self-Care is IMPORTANT!

Self-Care – we know it’s important right?

You hear it all the time, self-care – don’t forget to take care of yourself. As single moms we are more often than not running in 5 different directions, going a million miles an hour with our hair on fire! We take on so much every day just to keep our small humans alive and kicking. And on those days self-care is probably the very last thing on our minds!

But when we do this it can take its toll on us. Hell, who am I kidding, it kicks our asses most days. We spend so much time taking on all the things that need to be done that we often neglect to take care of ourselves.

We put ourselves last.

And by the time we finally have time to MAYBE do something for ourselves, it is really just one more thing that takes up our time and energy and we just don’t do it.

OR we feel guilty for doing it. For the simple act of taking a moment to care for ourselves, we feel bad because we could be doing any number of the other things that are on our to-do list.And yes, I KNOW that you know how important self-care is. And yes, I KNOW that you have heard me talk about this before. But if you are anything like me, even knowing how important it is, it almost always ends up falling WAAAAAAAY to the bottom of your list of priorities.

We have to stop letting ourselves do that. Our well being is imperative to our children’s well being. If we are too stressed and too tired and too overwhelmed – it reflects in our parenting. No matter how hard we try to hide it.

We aren’t at the top of our games as moms when we allow ourselves to get to that point. We need to relax and recharge!

Take time to recharge.

Now I know that many of you are saying ‘I don’t have time!’ …. none of us have time! BUT we need to find a way to make time. Even something as simple as taking a bubble bath and reading for 30 min while your kids take a nap. OR giving yourself a pedicure after the kids go to sleep for the night.

Instead of doing that load of laundry, that will still be there when you are done (it’s not like it’s gonna self destruct if you wait an hour to put it in) – go for a walk to a park and just enjoy the out doors before you pick up your kids from school.

It doesn’t have to cost a ton of money, it doesn’t even have to take up much time – just find something that helps you recharge your batteries, feeds your soul/spirit and keeps you SANE!

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