There is a new movie called Bad Moms set to hit the theaters in June that takes aim at the ‘perfect’ moms and I can not tell you how excited I am about it!
The trailer looks hilarious and talks about so many of the things that I as a mom often feel. It doesn’t sugar coat the bad side of things and how sometimes our kids can in fact at times be little assholes. Yeah, yeah I know it’s not exactly PC to say that about our kids but we all know that sometimes it’s true.
The struggle and pressure to be the “Perfect Mom” weighs on us all. Do it all, know it all, BE it all…
Be the PTA mom, the mom who has her shit all together, have all the ducks in a row and so on. I personally have never been able to be that mom. I barely know if I am coming or going some days. Hell I have to put a reminder in my calendar to pick up my daughter or I may just forget. Yes, it’s happened. I was so busy working that I simply didn’t realize what time it was until the school called me because I hadn’t shown up. Hello GUILT!
So often I looked at those moms that seem to have it all together and thought poorly about myself. Why couldn’t I my shit together like them? Why wasn’t I THAT mom? I killed myself trying to be it and in the process I made myself miserable. And guess what I still wasn’t the perfect mom. So why in the world was I wasting so much energy and emotional space feeling guilty about it?
This movie is like a breath of fresh air to me! I can’t wait to see it.
** PS. The video preview below is the NON-PG version. There are quite a few F-bombs so not to be watched at work or around little ears.