I think I might be dying!
So if you have been reading the blog or following my podcasts you know that a few weeks ago I did a pod cast about setting goals. I feel that New Year’s resolutions are too easy to break and often times when we make them we are already planning in our heads when we are going to fail.
So setting intentions and goals is key to helping you achieve those things that you really want to accomplish. It isn’t always easy though. In fact almost everything that we really want takes hard work to achieve.
So to help me with my goals I decided to join a gym.
Now if you recall one of my goals for the past year or so has been to lose the weight that I gained when I quit smoking several years back. Quitting smoking was one of the BEST things I could have done for myself for many different reasons:
- I feel better and am not always out of breath
- I am less likely to get cancer
- I am less likely to die from heart disease
- I am not forking out hundreds of dollars a month for a nasty habit
- aaaanddd… I am no longer getting daily guilt trips from my kids about it!
However, I could have done without the extra 50 or so pounds I gained when I quit.
So as you know I started working toward losing that weight and I have been doing pretty well on my own. I started meal planning and prepping my meals ahead of time (be on the look out for a post about that soon) and also started walking on my treadmill on a regular basis.
I tried doing some work out videos as well but sort of fell out of the habit and some of them were really too intense for my poor knees. (Yes I am getting old and my knees are shot).
So far I have lost 20 pounds, which HELL YEAH!!! I am super proud of myself for but then I fell back into my old habits around Thanksgiving. I think we all mentally give ourselves permission to fall off the wagon around that time of year don’t we? Or maybe that’s just me.