Overwhelmed? Am I overwhelmed?
Hmmm… yeah I’m feeling that today. I have been feeling it for the past few weeks.
This morning I felt like the whole world was on my shoulders
As a single mother I believe that there are many different things that contribute to feeling overwhelmed. It’s not just the fact that we are single parents, there are often more contributing factors than that. The first one being that we feel like we have to be all and do all… that there is no one else to do it so we have to be the one to make it all happen. It’s up to us to keep 8 million balls up in the air at all times. And we can’t ever drop any. Ever. That’s a lot of pressure to put ourselves under.
The next thing that adds to the state of overwhelm is expectations. Having expectations that are not realistic can lead to a feeling of overwhelm because you aren’t meeting them. Trying to live up to some idealistic idea of what a mother should be doing or how your house should look or the things you should have accomplished is going to always make you feel like you aren’t doing enough. That you aren’t enough. And it will often cause you to try and do more and more than you are able to at this moment. Some days I can do a million different things and be completely successful at them all. Some days the only success I have had is getting the laundry out of the wash and into the dryer before it starts to smell. I realized long ago that I would never be June Cleaver – and I’m totally ok with that.
There are many other factors that contribute to that feeling of overwhelm and in today’s podcast I discuss how we can create those feelings by setting unhealthy or unrealistic expectations on ourselves. By not accepting help when available or offered… and more.