You Belong Board Position Descriptions

The management and administration of You Belong shall be vested in the Board of Directors consisting of a minimum of three and no more than seven members, a majority of whom shall not be related. Each Board member shall serve without expectation of compensation and should believe in the mission and vision of the organization. Each board member is expected to attend all board meetings and to provide feedback and follow through with all responsibilities and assigned tasks. All positions shall be voted in by a two-thirds majority vote of the active board members carry a one-year term limit, and may succeed themselves indefinitely.


The Chair shall be the principal executive and shall supervise and have the general oversight of the affairs of this Organization. They must thoroughly understand the purpose and operations of the organization and should be prepared to lead in times of crisis. It will be their responsibility to develop board-meeting agendas and to call and preside as chairperson over all meetings, communicate board policy and expectations, manage board structure and processes, establish and model the working culture of the board and the organization.


The Co-Chair shall, in the case of the absence or the inability of the Chair, perform the duties of the Chair and further act in an advisory capacity to him or her, and assist as requested.


The Secretary shall prepare all board meeting minutes and distribute to the Board (via email or regular mail) for review; after which time the minutes will be finalized and filed as an official record. They shall be the custodians of legal documents. The Secretary will also maintain the current list of all Board of Directors, officers, and members and serve as the central point of contact for information distribution. Their responsibility will also include maintaining and documenting committee updates to board.


The Treasurer is entrusted with all finances and financial obligations. They shall deposit all monies and disburse the same by check and provide regular financial reports. In addition, they will be responsible for understanding and filing all state and federal requirements for the organization.

Members at Large:

Members at large will represent the general board membership. Their roles and responsibilities will be to assist with the projects and tasks as agreed upon. Task leaders are expected to attend all Board meetings, provide a status, and give information on their respective tasks.

The You Belong Board holds each other to the highest standards in regards to integrity and personal excellence. We strive to set an example for others in the organization, the community, as well as the women we serve.

The following “requirements” are core and central to each role on the Board of You Belong:

  • Board Member questions decisions or actions that conflict with You Belong’s values or put the organization at risk

  • Board Members follow through on promises and commitments made to each other and to the clients we serve

  • Board Members holds self and others accountable to high ethical standards

  • Board Members accept responsibility for own mistakes and take action to correct them

  • Board Members address issues and problems directly and honestly with all people involved